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Our Programs

In addition to sourcing and distributing food products for our partner agencies, Food Bank of Central New York also provides a range of food assistance programs for those looking for other ways to supplement their grocery budget.

  • Fresh Foods salvages food that would otherwise be discarded and offers food insecure individuals the opportunity to receive fresh, nutritious food in their neighborhood.
  • Food $en$e is a monthly food buying co-op for anyone who wants to stretch their grocery dollars.
  • Retail Partnership Program refers to the acquisition and distribution of goods donated from our retail partners.
  • Outreach staff connect individuals with an Outreach Coordinator who will assist individuals with applying for SNAP benefits.
  • Kids Cafe provides children with balanced meals at after-school programs during the school year.
  • Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ensures that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals during summer break, a time when they do not have access to free school lunch or breakfast.